Wise home buyers were always getting the Home Inspection Report (Builder’s Report or Building Report) when they bought houses. But recently increasing number of houses are reported being contaminated with Meth production or smoking. Living in Meth contaminated houses causes several health issues to the occupants. Often the houses contaminated with Meth show no signs of contamination and can only be evident by forensic testing. There are 2 stages to Meth Testing.
- Presumptive Testing: This is usually a Field Composite Lab testing where samples are sent to the laboratory and it takes 3-4 days for the results. Where there is a time constraint, an instant testing method can be done where the testing is conducted with test kits where the result is arrived almost instantly after the tests. This test can only identify whether there is contamination or not.
- Laboratory Testing: If the presumptive testing gives positive results we need to go for this lab testing to know the extent of Meth contamination in each area. Here the samples are taken as per NIOSH9111 guidelines using the lab kits and sent to labs for analysis. Labs give results in terms of micrograms per sample of 100 square CM. With these results a decision is taken on the need for decontamination. The customer is advised to seek the advise of a decontamination company.
We are independent of decontamination companies and we do not perform decontamination as conflict of interest may arise.